Paradigm of difference: person and technology in the conditions of information redundancy




person, technology, environment, „whole in a whole”, difference paradigm, thinking in complexity, openness, nonlinearity, self-organization, human-dimensionality, order parameters, critical difference


The paper solves an important methodological and practical problem, which is to increase the safety of
interaction of different classes systems in the conditions of information redundancy on the basic principles of thinking in complexity.
The aim of the work is to investigate the possibility of a non-traumatic connection of different classes’ systems “person” [P],
“technology” [T], “environment” [E] into a single macrosystem. Theoretical basis. The study of the key provisions of the safety
problem of the complex system “person–technology–environment” [P–T–E] is considered in the context of the basic principles of
post-non-classics and “thinking in complexity”, which allowed us to take into account the dimensionality and diversity of the systems
included in the macrosystem [P–T–E]. It is shown that the macrosystem “person–technology–environment” [P–T–E] is complex,
characterized by openness, self-organization, human- and psycho-dimensionality, non-linear development and instability. It is
hypothesized that the main cause of the accident is a certain incompatibility within the macrosystem [P–T–E] of the systems [P],
[T], [E] connected in it in terms of membership in different classes (1), which causes the emergence of a critical difference for the
interaction of complex systems of different classes (2) Originality. For the first time, the concept of a complex macrosystem of a new
type is introduced, connecting systems of different classes as independent “whole” on the basis of the conceptual model of post-nonclassical “whole in a whole”. Conclusions. The growth of road traffic accidents is formed by the joint interaction of “differentquality” systems “person/driver” [PD], “technology/car” [TC], “environment” [E] into a single macrosystem. The new quality of the
macrosystem [PD–TC–E] is determined by the nature of the bonds and the emergence of consistency/or mismatch between different
integrity in a single macrosystem. It was established the need to accept a difference paradigm as a scientific branch on the basis of
the methodology of non-traumatic/ecological connection without combining the multiclass subsystems into a single macrosystem
with a mega-control. The proposed recommendations contribute to improving road safety.


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Author Biographies

Olga E. Goncharova, Odessa National Polytechnic University, Shevchenko Ave., 1, Odessa, Ukraine, 65044

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Automobile Transport Department,


Vladimir B. Yezersky, Odessa National Polytechnic University, Shevchenko Ave., 1, Odessa, Ukraine, 65044

job seeker of the Automobile Transport Department,





How to Cite

Goncharova O.E.., Yezersky V.B. “Paradigm of difference: person and technology in the conditions of information redundancy”. Applied Aspects of Information Technology. 2019; Vol. 2, No. 1: 66-74. DOI: