Information technology of supporting architectural solutions using polyglot persistence concept in learning management systems




learning management systems, polyglot persistence, microservice architecture, decision trees


This paper shows that performance of the learning management systems heavily depends on the choice, made during
designing, of architectural solution for storage and processing of data. Based on analysis of evolution of the various architectural
solutions during the information system design, beginning with monolith platform and ending with decentralized microservices, it
has been determined that architecture based on microservices for a server side with code-level isolation and database-level decentralization for components is proved to be effective solution for high-performance system complexes for learning management system. However, for implementation of polyglot persistence concept based on multiple database management systems with various
logical schemas, there is also a need for developing an information technology to support such architectural solutions. It has been
shown that the development of databases for such learning management system, that operate with a large amount of various information, consists of the stages of conceptual, logical and physical modeling, and, precisely during the creation of logical models the
requirements for the storage and processing of data, that are used by the selected entities for the implementation of business functions, are determined. The peculiar properties of using relational and non-relational database management systems such as: document, key-value, graph and column storages have been examined and analyzed in detail. A method for automated selection of logical
data models based on initial information about a limited context has been developed, then used to develop a classifier. The efficiency
of the classifier was tested on a dataset for two hundred thirty entities. As a result of the experiment, the reliability of the classification was ninety-three percent. The advantages of the developed information technology are shown on the example of designing
JustStart learning management system. Analysis of the stress testing results of the developed system shows that due to the distribution of the load between the three databases, its average response time with simultaneous operation of one hundred fifty users was
one point two seconds. At the same time, simulation of the same number of users with only one database management system, the
response time increased and the average was approximately two point six seconds. Thus, the use of the developed information technology of supporting architectural solutions for organizing storage of large volumes of diverse data according to the polyglot persistence concept, that allowed to design and implement learning management system, the performance of which, if it is used simultaneously by a large audience, is on average twice as fast as the average educational resource on the market


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Author Biographies

Olena O. Arsirii, Odessa National Polytechnic University, Shevchenko Ave., 1, Odessa, Ukraine, 65044

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Information Systems Department

Maria G. Glava, Odessa National Polytechnic University, Shevchenko Ave., 1, Odessa, Ukraine, 65044

PhD, Assistant Professor of the Information Systems Department

Matthias Kolonko, Augsburg University of Applied Sciences (AUAS), An der Hochschule 1, Augsburg, Germany, 86161, Tel. +49 (821) 55863499

Assistant of Computer Science Faculty

Alina O. Glumenko, Odessa National Polytechnic University, Shevchenko Ave., 1, Odessa, Ukraine, 65044

Master Student of the Information Systems Department




How to Cite

Arsirii O.O.., Glava M.G., Kolonko M.., Glumenko A.O. “Information technology of supporting architectural solutions using polyglot persistence concept in learning management systems”. Applied Aspects of Information Technology. 2020; Vol. 3, No. 2: 13-31. DOI:

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